What are Pro Trades?
Pro Trades are actual bets placed by Bet Right clients.
Pro Trades are available for thoroughbred, greyhound and harness races.
Each Pro Trade will show you the pseudonym of the Pro Trader, their selection for an upcoming race, and details about their strike rate.
How do you select who is a Pro Trader?
Pro Traders must have placed a minimum of either 500 single fixed win or fixed place cash bets in that particular race type (thoroughbred, greyhound and harness) AND they must have a place strike rate greater than or equal to 50% in that particular race type.
Where can I view Pro Trades?
All Pro Trades can be viewed on race card and individual races within the Bet Right website/web mobile.
Pro Trades are also available on the Bet Right apps.
How often are Pro Trades published?
Available Pro Trades are published in 15 minute windows.
Can I share Pro Trades?
Not exactly, Pro Trades are an exclusive service to Bet Right clients so the best thing you can do is refer your friends to Bet Right so they can take advantage of Pro Trades themselves.
What’s with the weird names?
To protect the privacy of our clients we automatically generated alias names for the featured Pro Traders. Coming soon, historical performance data and leaderboards.
How many Pro Traders are there?
The number of Pro Traders varies each month but typically there are around 30 active Pro Traders each month.
Can I get RPX on Pro Trades?
Yes! With RPX you can get the Best of the Big 3 – or Better! at the time you place your bet when taking fixed win prices on Pro Trades selections.