Betting and Wagering
1. Placing Bets
1.1. Bets on any product in any market
Subject to the Rule Book, bets can be placed on any markets operated by Bet Right in relation to any betting products.
The Rule Book applies to all bets, betting products (including the Multi-Bets product), betting types placed, and all betting activities conducted and transacted with Bet Right in all every different and separate manner, form or medium including online, mobile and telephone.
1.2. Placing bets
(a) Bets can be placed by following the relevant procedures in the Rule Book for placing bets online at the Bet Right website and mobile Apps, or by the telephone betting service. Bets will not be accepted if placed in any other form or via any other media.
(b) Subject to minimum bet limits conditions imposed by racing governing bodies or equivalents, Bet Right may, in its absolute discretion, decline a bet, or in relevant instances, all or part of the bet, placed on any betting product in any markets operated by Bet Right.
(c) You bear all risks in relation to all or any bets placed with Bet Right and you acknowledge that all or any bets placed are at your discretion and the result of your decision.
(d) You agree that it is your responsibility, and at your risk and liability, to check and ensure all the details of the bet placed via your chosen medium are as you intended.
(e) Subject to the Rule Book, you acknowledge that a bet placed by you, in response to the advertised prices/lines, is an offer for that price/line, which cannot be cancelled or withdrawn and, if and when accepted by Bet Right, means you have agreed to a legally binding wagering contract with Bet Right for that bet at that price/line in that market with the possibility of win or loss of the bet.
1.3. Bets placed
(a) You agree that funds in your betting account will be allocated to the bet placed and if more than one bet, in the order the bets are placed. Funds allocated to a bet, even if not accepted as yet by Bet Right, will not be available for placing another bet or any other purpose.
(b) You agree that a bet placed with Bet Right where funds from your betting account cannot be allocated due to insufficient balance in your betting account means the bet will not be processed.
(c) Funds deposited into your betting account in any manner or form or via any other means or medium will be allocated to any bets placed only when such funds are considered cleared, if relevant, and in any event, readily available to Bet Right for withdrawal or transfer, as the case may be. The instance where funds are not cleared and/or readily available will be considered to be an instance of insufficient funds.
1.4. Directives on placing bets
The bets placed with Bet Right will be considered by Bet Right in accordance with the Rule Book and the Directives issued and amended by Bet Right from time to time in relation to the different and separate manner, form or medium including online, mobile and telephone. Such Directives are deemed to be part of the Rule Book.
2. Accepting Bets
2.1. Acceptance — General
(a) The minimum stakes if placed via Bet Right’s website or mobile Apps are:
(i) Singles and Multi-Bets - $0.25; and
(ii) Racing Exotics and Racing Multiples - 0.50 cents (total stake, not per combo).
(b) The minimum stake for a bet via the telephone betting service is $10 per bet.
(c) When a bet is made by you via the telephone betting service, we will re-state the bet back to you. A bet is accepted when you either
(i) indicate your agreement with a bet after it has been re-stated to you; or
(ii) you do not disagree with the details of the bet when it is re-stated to you by the Bet Right Client Service before the telephone call ends.
(d) If and when a telephone call by you in which a bet is being placed is interrupted or terminated inadvertently or deliberately for any reason before the call is concluded, any bets not accepted in accordance with Rule 2.1(c) will be deemed not to have been entered into. In such circumstances, it is your responsibility to contact us promptly to re-place the bets you wished to make.
(e) Bet Right will make a voice recording of all telephone calls with you when you are placing a bet. You agree to such recordings being made. If and when a dispute is referred to the Racing and Wagering Commission of the Northern Territory in accordance with Rule Book 7 rule 1.3 or rule 1.4, you agree that the recording(s) and/or any records of your transactions online on Bet Right website and mobile Apps may be made available to the adjudicator of the Dispute to enable the Dispute to be determined in accordance with the Rule Book. All records of voice recordings will be securely retained by us in accordance with Directive on Surveillance, Privacy and Data (including Personal Information Use and Disclosure) Protection.
2.2. Directives on accepting
The bets placed with Bet Right will be considered by Bet Right and accepted in accordance with the Rule Book and the Directives issued and amended by Bet Right from time to time in relation to the different and separate manner, form or medium including online, mobile and telephone. Such Directives are deemed to be part of the Rule Book.
3. Confirming Bets
3.1. Confirmation
(a) A bet that you request will only be valid once accepted by Bet Right’s servers. Each valid bet will receive a unique transaction code. We shall not be liable for the settlement of any bets which are not issued with a unique transaction code. If you are unsure about the validity of a bet, please check your account history, or contact us.
(b) For bets placed via the telephone betting service, the bets are confirmed only after the bet has accepted in accordance with the Rule Book. The voice recording of the telephone call is evidence of confirmation.
4. Voiding of Bets
4.1. Bets placed before start
Bet Right will void bets placed and accepted by Bet Right before the start of the declared event or contingency as published on the Bet Right website and mobile Apps in the following circumstances:
(i) the bets placed and accepted occurred after the actual start of the declared event or contingency contrary to the start of the declared event or contingency as published on Bet Right website and mobile Apps;
(ii) the bets placed were accepted by Bet Right due to an obvious mistake, made on the part of Bet Right, its employees, contractors, agents and/or systems and platform.
4.2. Bets placed after start
(a) If and when Bet Right has accepted bets placed after the start of the declared event or contingency as published on Bet Right website and mobile Apps and such bets are placed and accepted on the basis of events or contingencies which had already occurred and results already determined, Bet Right will void the bets and refund the stakes.
(b) Subject to the rules on Live Betting, if Bet Right has inadvertently accepted a bet placed on a sporting event at the Bet Right website and mobile Apps after the beginning of the declared event and contingencies, Bet Right will void the bet, refund the stake and recover any winnings in accordance with Rule Book 2, rule 4.3(c).
4.3. Anti-Money Laundering/Know Your Client
Bet Right may void any bets you placed and accepted by Bet Right, and any winnings will be voided, should you not meet the criteria for opening a betting account with Bet Right including identification pursuant to the AML Act.
4.4. Collusion
Where there is evidence of a series of bets each containing the same selection(s) having been placed by you or on your behalf or by a syndicate of individuals including you, Bet Right may void the or withhold payouts pending the outcome of any subsequent investigation.
5. Records of betting transactions
5.1. Records
Pursuant to the National Consumer Protection Framework (NCPF), Bet Right will make available immediately at all times on the Bet Right website and mobile Apps on your Betting Account a record of your betting account transactions which includes the following:
(i) each bet;
(ii) the current account balance;
(iii) deposits and withdrawals;
(iv) wins and losses;
(v) the current win/loss;
(vi) the date, time and unique transaction identifier (ticket number) of each transaction.
Subject to the Directive on Surveillance, Privacy and Data (including Personal Information Use and Disclosure) Protection and pursuant to the NCPF, Bet Right will make accessible records of your betting account transactions for the preceding seven (7) years.
6. Markets
6.1. Suspension of Markets
Bet Right reserves the right to suspend the markets on any declared event and contingency and/or the offers within a declared event and contingency if we have evidence that any of the following has occurred:
(i) the integrity of the declared event and contingency has been called into question;
(ii) the price(s) or pool has been manipulated; or
(iii) match rigging has taken place.
7. Settlement
7.1. Directives on settlement
Bet Right, from time to time, will advertise, publish or communicate, or generally make available betting products in relevant markets, and such betting products in relevant markets including the relevant terms and conditions will be deemed to be made by Bet Right in accordance with the Directive on Declared Events and Contingencies issued and amended by Bet Right from time to time in relation to the different and separate manner, form or medium including online, mobile and telephone. The Directive on Declared Events and Contingencies is deemed to be part of the Rule Book.
7.2. General
Bet Right will make every effort to ensure bets are settled as quickly as possible after the outcome has been determined including the following:
(a) Firstly, Bet Right will rely on the official result published by the declared event and contingency's governing body.
(b) Secondly, if no official result is available from a governing body, Bet Right will use information from independent sources to determine the result.
(c) In the event of uncertainty surrounding a result, Bet Right may delay settlement until the uncertainty can be resolved to Bet Right’s satisfaction. If uncertainty regarding settlement cannot be resolved to the Bet Right’s satisfaction, Bet Right may void the market.
(d) Bet Right may void or resettle markets should new information become available, such as due to disqualification, cheating or rules violations.
(e) Bet Right may reverse the settlement of a market if the market is settled incorrectly due to error (technical or human) which may or may not result in a reverse of payouts made.
(f) If Bet Right resettles a market, this may lead to changes made to your Betting Account balance including either credit or debit changes. Where the resettlement results in your Betting Account balance going into negative, you agree that Bet Right may reject any pending withdrawal in order to comply with Rule Book 2 rule 4.3(c).
8. Payouts
8.1. Making Payouts
Each bet will be settled and, if applicable, payouts will be made to your Betting Account following confirmation of the final result. If any payouts are made to your Betting Account in error, you must notify Bet Right immediately. Any funds credited to you in error by Bet Right are immediately due and repayable to Bet Right. Bet Right Client Service may issue you a notification with respect to the repayment of these funds.
8.2. Maximum Payouts
Bet Right has made rules on maximum payouts in various betting markets for different betting products in the Rule Book.
8.3. Payouts withheld or Amended
Subject to the Rule Book, Bet Right may withhold or amend payouts in the following circumstances:
(a) where the payouts relate to an event which is the subject of an investigation being conducted by a declared event or contingency’s governing body or equivalent; or
(b) where the Rule Book is breached; or
(c) where there is reasonable suspicion of pool manipulation having occurred. In the event of pool manipulation, Bet Right may make payouts on:
(i) Win and place bets at SP for Win and ¼ SP for Place;
(ii) Exotic bets at the lowest official corresponding dividend paid by any of the Representative Australian TABs pertaining to the relevant result and bet type.
(d) If a tote pool goes down either on-line or via the telephone and the pools are distorted, then Bet Right reserves the right to omit these dividends when paying out. If the NSW Tote pool is down, the best of QLD and VIC will be paid for BestDiv products. For MidDiv products, the dividend will be deemed to be the average of the two declared dividends.
9. Live Betting In-Play
9.1. Placing bets
(a) In compliance with the specific provisions in the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 (Cth) which applies only to sporting declared events or contingencies, Bet Right does not accept Live Betting or In-Play bets placed online at the Bet Right website and mobile Apps, but will accept Live Betting or In-Play bets placed by using Bet Right’s telephone betting service in accordance with the Rule Book and Directives. Live Betting and In-Play bets refer to the form of betting bets are placed by the Client after an event has begun, is ongoing and has not been completed.
(b) If and when Live Betting and In-Play bets are available in any market will be announced/notified online at the Bet Right website and mobile Apps and you can call our Client Service to place a Live Betting and In-Play bets on those markets specified. All Live Betting and In-Play markets are subject to their respective pre-match rules.
9.2. Rules
(a) Bet Right takes all reasonable care to ensure the accuracy of live scores and the status of games posted/uploaded online at the Bet Right website and mobile Apps in connection with the Live Betting and In-Play markets.
(b) You agree that you are responsible for being aware of the Declared Event and Contingency and the events surrounding it, such as the current score, its progression and how much time remains before the Declared Event and Contingency is completed.
(c) You agree that Bet Right is not and cannot be held responsible nor be liable for any changes to the Live betting schedule or interruption to the Live betting service.
10. Cash Out
Bet Right may, in its absolute discretion, offer the “Cash Out feature” for selected products or bet types. The Cash Out feature, and any bets in respect of which the Cash Out feature is available, are governed by the Rule Book and Directives issued and amended by Bet Right from time to time. By entering into a bet, you acknowledge that:
(i) you may not be able to Cash Out your bet at any particular time, or at all, during a bet; and
(ii) Bet Right may deny your request to Cash Out your bet for any reason whatsoever.
10A. RPX (Right Price Execution)
(a) Operational Rules:
(i) Subject to these Rules, RPX applies to all winning single Fixed Win bets (RPX Eligible Bet) on Australian Thoroughbred, Harness and Greyhound races (RPX Eligible Race).
(ii) RPX is a service that compares the prices on RPX Eligible Races published by Sportsbet (Sportsbet Pty Ltd), Ladbrokes (Entain Group Pty Ltd trading as Ladbrokes AU) and TAB (Tabcorp Holdings Limited) (collectively the Big 3) as ascertained by Bet Right to the best of its technological capability and accuracy (Eligible Price) against the prices accepted by Bet Right clients (the Bet Right Price) on RPX Eligible Races.
(iii) To be an Eligible Price, the price must be displayed on at least one of the Big 3’s respective website for at least 15 seconds.
(iv) For the purposes of settlement and at the discretion of Bet Right, Bet Right reserves the right to accept as an Eligible Price, a Big 3 price that is not displayed on the respective Big 3 website for at least 15 seconds.
(v) At the time of bet confirmation, as part of the RPX Service, where the Bet Right Price is less than the highest Eligible Price, the highest Eligible Price will be displayed as Predicted Best with the potential payout displayed as Est. Payout.
(vi) To calculate the Est. Payout:
A. Bet Right will work out how much of your stake paid out at the Predicted Best would give a maximum of $300 in winnings.
B. If there is anything remaining of the stake, Bet Right will work out any remaining potential winnings to be paid at the Bet Right Price.
C. The sum of the winnings from A and B above, plus your stake, is shown at the bet confirmation stage as the Est. Payout.
(vii) As part of the RPX Service, where the Bet Right Price is less than the highest Eligible Price, and the selection is the official winner, upon settlement the highest Eligible Price will be displayed in the All Bets section of Your Account as BIG 3 BEST with the settled payout displayed as Adjusted Payout.
(viii) To calculate the Adjusted Payout:
A. Bet Right will work out how much of your stake paid out at the highest Eligible Price would give a maximum of $300 in winnings.
B. If there is anything remaining of the stake, Bet Right will pay out the winnings from that remainder at the Bet Right Price.
C. The sum of the winnings from A and B above, plus your stake, is shown in the All Bets part of Your Account as the Adjusted Payout.
(ix) Subject to these Rules, Bet Right guarantees that the Adjusted Payout will never be less than the Est. Payout.
(x) A bet placed via telephone call with Bet Right is not an RPX Eligible Bet.
(xi) RPX is not available on bets placed more than 30 minutes before the advertised start time of RPX Eligible Races.
(xii) If the selection in your RPX Eligible Bet is the tied winner of the RPX Eligible Race, the Dead Heat Rule will apply to your Adjusted Payout.
(xiii) If and when there is a scratching when RPX is available, Bet Right reserves the right to amend your Adjusted Payout to reflect the possibility that the Eligible Price has not taken into account the scratched runner(s).
(xiv) If your RPX Eligible Bet is a winning bet but is subject to deductions, the deductions will apply to your Adjusted Payout.
(xv) [deleted]
(xvi) Bets placed using bonus bets are not RPX Eligible Bets.
(xvii) Single Fixed Price Win bets in RPX Eligible Races that form part of a Multi-Bet are not RPX Eligible Bets.
(xviii) The following rules apply in the event of the scenarios below occurring:
A. If Bet Right is unable to note the prices of all the Big 3 for an RPX Eligible Race due to unforeseen events and circumstances, including technological circumstances, the race will not be an RPX Eligible Race.
B. If Bet Right is unable to note the prices of one or two of the Big 3 for an RPX Eligible Race due to unforeseen events and circumstances, including technological circumstances, then the remaining one or two prices will be taken into account for the purpose of determining the RPX Payout.
11. Offers
11.1. Directives on offers
(a) Bet Right, from time to time, will advertise, publish or communicate, or generally make available offers in addition to betting products in relevant markets, whether such offers are available only to clients, and such offers including the relevant terms and conditions will be deemed to be made by Bet Right in accordance with the Directives issued and amended by Bet Right from time to time in relation to the different and separate manner, form or medium including online, mobile and telephone. Such Directives are deemed to be part of the Rule Book.
(b) Bet Right may reclaim any bonus amount, free bets, bet credits or enhanced payments that have been awarded in error.
(c) All client offers are limited to one per person. If Bet Right has reasonable grounds to suspect that a bonus or offer is being claimed by or for the benefit of the same person more than once or by a group of people, then it may withdraw the availability of any offer or all offers to that client or group of clients and/or void any bet funded by the bonus or offer and remove any winnings from such bet.
11.2. Amending offers
You acknowledge that Bet Right, in its absolute discretion, may make changes to the offers including the relevant terms and conditions it has advertised, published or communicated, and the changes will apply from the date and time the changes have been published or communicated on its website or mobile apps. You agree that publication or communication on Bet Right’s website or mobile apps will be deemed to be notice to you of the changes and any bets you place in relation to the offer will be subject to the changes.
12. The Rule Book
For the avoidance of doubt, all bets placements, acceptances, confirmations, settlement, payouts and offers are subject to the Rule Book and the Directive on Surveillance, Privacy and Data (including Personal Information Use and Disclosure) Protection.
You agree that should a dispute arise about bets placements, acceptances, confirmations, settlement, payouts and offers in relation to any transaction, it is subject to the Rule Book and dispute resolution rules in Rule Book 7 Client Service.
Version: 1.8
Date: 03.07.2024
Revision History
Version | Date | Author | Changes |
1.0 | 19.12.2020 | LRGC | First version of policy |
1.1 | 22.10.2021 | LRGC | Change to rule 8.3 |
1.2 | 11.02.2022 | LRGC | Change to rule 4.2 |
1.3 | 23.06.2023 | LRGC | Change to rule 7.2(f) |
1.4 | 25.10.2023 | LRGC | Insertion of Rule 10A |
1.5 | 26.10.2023 | LRGC | Insertion of Rule 10A(xviii) |
1.6 | 06.11.2023 | LRGC | Amendment of Rule 10A(vii) |
1.7 | 22.01.2024 | LRGC | Amendment of Rule 10A by deleting 10A(xv) |
1.8 | 03.07.2024 | LRGC | Updated references to Racing and Wagering Commission |